HOSPITALITY : meeting room

hospitality meeting rooms have to cater to lots of different clienteles and needs. It can be difficult to find furniture that has the versatility to accommodate all uses.

More than just a table and chairs

The hubstation is the ultimate versatile meeting table. Able to offer all styles of working and can easily change depending on the clientale needs.

It brings seamless barrier free sit-stand use to meeting rooms.

Chool and the height adjustable Dox table form the ultimate sit-stand hubstation

seamless versatility

do more with the space you have

_The hubstation offers more ways to collaborate; sitting, Standing and sit-stand. See how it flows from one to another in a day.

Minimal. Ordered. More space to flow.

_Maximising the space (ordered & organised)
When ready for use, the reductionist design keeps the hubstation looking organised. With the chairs stowed under the table, the meeting room looks tidy and clutterfree. This maximises the usable space around the hubstation allowing people to flow freely.
_sit-stand group table
(Switch between uses)

The hubstation unlocks the full potential of height adjustable tables for group meetings. Through its pairing with responsive seating people have the option to switch seamlessly between sitting and standing.

Empty chairs stay docked reducing visual and physical clutter in the space
_sit down meeting (sit in comfort)
If you opt to start the meeting sitting, the chools responsive backrests provides support and comfort over any length of time unlike benches or stools.
_flow from sitting to standing (stay in the space. stay in the flow)
Sometimes meetings need a change of pace. Get the collaborative energy going by switching to standing mid-way. Get the health benefits of sit-standing and moving in a group environment while getting the mental juices flowing.

Move around freely and get the mental and physical health benefits

Pain free chair management in space limited rooms

_standing meeting
(Dock & stand)

The responsive chools make it easy and intuitive to stand. They simply dock under the table, ordered and self organised, removing the hassle of chair management and clutter in a space.